That year, extensive media coverage of Swaggart and his businesses in the wake of a sex scandal largely excluded these allegations. During the 1988 trial of Australian missionary Ian Grey, who coordinated much of the private support to RENAMO, it was claimed by the defendant that Swaggart Ministries worked through ex-Rhodesian soldier Michael T Howard's Shekinah Ministries to provide support to RENAMO. Among the materials left behind by retreating rebels were piles of Swaggart's 1982 publication, 'How to Receive The Baptism in the Holy Spirit' translated into Portuguese. In September 1985, government forces supported by Zimbabwe captured RENAMO's main HQ inside Mozambique, Casa Banana in Gorongosa district. In addition to moral support and publicity, Swaggart Ministries was repeatedly accused of providing funding and material support to the group.
Throughout the 1980s, Jimmy Swaggart Ministries was one of many American Evangelical leaders who promoted the South African-backed Mozambican National Resistance, aka RENAMO, which was accused of committing systematic war crimes during Mozambique's 15-year-long civil war.